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Amazon continues renewable energy with a purchase of 476 MW

Renewable energy sources have won another victory when the Amazon signed 476 megawatt winds and solar energy on the Iberian Peninsula.

Energy purchase agreements with Iberdrola multinational utilities need to help Amazon’s new data centers designed in the region. Last May the company said it would invest $ 17 billion In infrastructure projects, including data centers, in Spain.

Amazon’s power bill has recently been soaring as it adds data centers to handling increasing demand for AI and Cloud Services.

One of the projects in which Amazon buys – the Tâmega wind farm – is built in Portugal with a huge hydroelectric barrier system. The complex consists of a total of three dams, one of which is an 880 megawatt pumped dam.

The pumped storage facilities have two reservoirs, one at a higher height, one lower. If energy is needed, the water is released from the upper container to centrifugation of the turbines. If there is excessive power, the huge pumps move the water from the lower container to the top. The pumped storage is actually a huge battery.

The 274 megawatts of wind turbines installed at Tâmega feed the energy of the lattice through the existing connection of the Hydro Complex and, if excess, can be used to pump water to the upper container. Such hybrid installations ensure that energy is consistently nourished on the network from otherwise intermittent renewable resources such as wind and solar energy.

Amazon also purchases some of the energy from more typical wind and solar plants in northwestern Spain. Last year, the company was the largest buyer of renewable energy.

Technology companies buy energy from renewable projects at a fairly consistent pace, partly for how fast and cheap the wind, solar energy and batteries can be installed. Last month, Meta said it had signed two major offers for solar energy, and Microsoft and Google had previously announced that they would all support billions of dollars in renewable investment.

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