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Google wants the search 2025 to be more like AI assistant

Google Search is in the middle of the “trip” around AI, said Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, in a call for revenue on Tuesday. The beginning of the trip was AI reviews, contradictory and monumental change in how Google provides information for billions of search users.

But that was just the beginning.

“As the AI ​​will continue to expand the universe of questions people can ask for, 2025 will still be one of the biggest years of search innovation,” Pichai said during the opening comments on the call.

During the call, Pichai made the next phase of Google’s plan to pack the search from the company’s research laboratory, Deepmind. The search product is slowly becoming increasingly becoming an AI -assistant that browses the Internet for you, checks the websites and returns a response.

This is far from a simple search system that provides ten blue links.

Google has been on this path for a few years since the search giant has been captured flat through its Openai Chatgpt 2022. Or

Not everyone is happy with it, but Google progresses.

When asked for the future of AI and search, Pichai said, “You can imagine the future with Project Astra.” AI sees it in real time.

Other parts of Google businesses also have big plans for Project Astra. The company says that the multimodal AI system wants to nourish the intelligent glasses of a couple of extended reality, for which Google creates the operating system.

Pichai also mentioned the Gemini Deep Research -an AI agent that has long research reports as a service that can fundamentally change people’s use of Google Search. Deep Research automates the work that people have traditionally done with Google Search. But now it seems that Google wants to do this research for users.

“It really expands dramatically the use of use for which the search can work – things that are not always responded to, but it takes time to answer,” Pichai said. “These are all areas of excavation and you will see new experience in front of users over 2025.”

Pichai also said that Google is “clear” for search experiences that you can create with Google AI agents, Project Mariner. This system can use the websites front-end on behalf of users, so people make the websites superfluous.

Google’s CEO also said that there is an “opportunity” to make users more interacting and asking Google search questions. Pichai was the details, but it sounds like Google considers opportunities for the search interface chatbot.

“I think the (search) product is further developing,” Pichai said. “Because people make interaction and tracking questions easier, etc., I think we have the opportunity to encourage further growth.”

Nowadays, Chatgpt has become one of the most commonly used products on the Internet with hundreds of millions of users a week. This is an existential threat to Google Search’s long -term business activities. To deal with this, Google not only builds a competitor AI chatbot with Gemini, but also AI functions directly during search.

Of course, the first step of Google Search AI’s trip didn’t go too well. When Google threw out all Google search reviews, the system showed inaccurate and strange ai hallucinations. These included answers that told people to eat rocks and glue on their pizza. Google admitted at the time that AI’s reviews needed some work.

Despite this negative introduction, it seems that Google is just starting to search for AI.

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