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Tiktok wants Android users to fill the application page

With the fate of the TICTS in the United States, the ban banned in the country has been suspended, but only temporarily thanks to President Donald Trump’s implementation regime-the company-owned company now encourages Android owners to put the video on their phone. and tablets.

The company announced it on Friday X Post that the Android application will be available directly on This allows you to take advantage of an Android service that allows users to apply applications from outside the Google Play Store. A similar option is not yet available on iPhone outside the EU.

Download the Android application becomes available as an Android package set, which is usually called APK file, which contains the application code, tools and other resources that the Tikts need to run.

With a standalone download, Tiktok is at least temporarily temporarily skirts on the current App Store ban, which will continue to prevent Google Play and Apple’s App Store from storing the app while the ban continues to break.

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