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Benavidez got rid of illegal tactics against Morrell?

Former coach Teddy Atlas says he had noticed some tactics that David Benavidez was liberated against David Morrell, which may not have been allowed with other referees who fought last Saturday night.

Atlas noticed these two questionable Benavidez tactics:

  1. Punching behind the ear
  2. Pull Morrell’s guard with his left hand and struck.

The warriors can knock the guard down and hit it, but not to pull and hit it. Benavidez made the latter. Morrell seized one of his arms as he labeled the others.

The referee should have kept this tactic and warned or punished Benavidez. This is called Holding & Hiting, not in sports.

Benavidez obviously studied the video to develop a strategy to handle the high guard of Morrell but you don’t like to see old fashion grid used tactic. Morrell couldn’t pull his arm back to protect his head because Benavidez kept him on the left to prevent him from lifting.

Beats behind the head

The blow behind the head is considered illegal and is said to be warned and punished by the referee. Atlas calls it “behind the ear,” but it looked more like the back of the head used against Benavidez Morrell.

Rabbit punching must result in warnings, but referees often ignore or not notice. Rather, they focus on stopping low blows, which is interesting because the blow behind the head is much more dangerous.

There was a case in the Benavidez-Morrell fight that looked like Benavidez’s rabbit stroke, but nothing was said. That was weird. Would the result be different if the referee had prevented Benavidez from these tactics? Probably not, but we will never know.

He (Benavidez) pulled down the Morrell guard with his left hand and struck him with his right hand as he did. I don’t know if this is allowed? The referee’s job is to say he can’t do it, ”said Teddy former coach was atlas Youtube Channel, discussing the illegal step that David Benavidez took during his struggle with David Morrell during the grounds when the Cuban warrior kept.

– I’m not sure that every referee would allow him to reach and pull off the guys’ gloves. He did it efficiently a few times, then hit it with his right hand after pulling off his gloves. The referee did not stop Benavidez and had more power.

Benavidez targeted behind his ears. He threw his right hand behind his ears, ”Atlas said from Morrell’s back blows, Benavidez landed and fled without warming or punishing. “There are several ways to hit a right hand.

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