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Testing autonomous vehicles in California fell 50%. That’s right.

Technology companies that develop independent driving vehicle technology are struck by brakes during testing on California new data from the State Vehicle Department.

The agency reported on Friday that a total of 4.5 million autonomous vehicle tests were logged in 2024, a 50% decline in the previous year. This figure includes two types of permission: autonomous vehicles with human safety drivers behind the steering wheel and those that allow driverless test.

The decline belongs to the driver -free testing category, according to DMV, the agency that regulates the testing of state autonomous vehicles. Records show that driver -free testing fell 83% from 2023 3.26 million miles, just 552,895 miles last year.

DMV also released it Year offwhich details the cases where human drivers had to take control of technological failures or security concerns. These reports have been contradictory in the past, as companies use different standards, making it impossible to compare results or skill in autonomous vehicle technology.

The new figures reflect the industry with few players, the WayMo transition to the commercial robotax operator, as well as the suspension and final shutter of the parent company GM Cruise.

Cruise and WayMo historically reported the highest test miles. For example, in Cruise 2023, 2.6 million tests were made while DMV suspended its license in October of the year. The company has never restarted testing in California. Waymo has moved away from testing while speeding up commercial operations in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Over the past three years, new permits for testing by DMV have been noticeably declined over the past three years. In 2022, four licenses were issued. The following year they received two new permits. DMV only gave a new permission in 2024.

Nowadays, only 31 companies have permits to test the security driver and only 11 of them actually performed road tests in 2024. Nine companies that submitted reports for the 2023-2024 period stopped testing and withdrew from the program, as DMV. For example, Tesla, according to the report, did not log autonomous miles.

Six companies, including AUTOOx, Nuro, Weride, Waymo and Zoox, approve driver -free tests. Only Mercedes-Benz (which has an advanced driver’s help system that allows the handsfree, the eyes of the eyes on some highways), Nuro and Waymo permits that allow commercial operations.

This is contrary to the fierce and vain days of autonomous vehicles when the risk funds have flowed and 60 companies have been licensed to test so -called “driven” autonomous vehicles. The consolidation period passed through the emerging industry in 2019.

Nowadays, fewer companies are willing to pour millions of autonomous vehicle technology. Although there are recent overcaps. Wayve raised $ 1 billion in May and WayMo raised $ 5.6 billion in November.

The result is a short list of active participants – before Waymo, for testing and commercial miles. The parade is a consolidated industry in which there is no competition on the trade front.

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