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The main earthquake of the Caribbean is Tsunami -Alarms in Cuba, Puerto Rico

According to a United States geological survey, a powerful 7.6 earthquake was hit by the Caribbean, which caused tsunamis warnings to many countries.

According to officials, the epicenter of the earthquake is about 20 miles (32.1 km) north of Honduras and 130 miles (209.2 km) southwest of the Cayman Islands.

Numerous tsunambs have been issued to the region, including Colombia, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Kuba.

The National Weather Service has warned the possible dangers of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands and adds “strong currents and waves are dangerous in or very close to the water”.

According to the USGS, large earthquakes at this site of the plate border are not unexpected.

In 2018, there were 7.5 earthquakes nearby, causing damage and a small tsunami.

“Fortunately, the distant location of these earthquakes limits the possibility of significant damage to shaking,” he added.

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